Argentum Regio Wiki

Starter CLASS Advice[]

What follows is a brief overview of the possible starting CLASSes and a few tidbits of advice regarding their play here on ArgentumRegio.

Barbarian -[]

Key to this CLASS on ArgentumRegio are the 'know the land' features. Use the RUNESTONE long range power and target the ground soon after entering a new Area. Use your Wilderness Sense to estimate what may be here now or in the recent past. Scavenge for a few food items when you can as you travel so that it does not cost you more time to do so when you need the food, and also to ensure you have more supplies rather than none when that need arises. Learn the location of the hidden trails and work out strategies to use them to your advantage, your barbarian is far more mobile here than in most any other NWN server.

Bard -[]

Remember to smell the roses. The RUNESTONE has some interesting performance related options including CAROUSE and RECITE. These can be used to gain coin or rumors in most any tavern, and to amuse and even educate tthe other PCs in the party regarding lore your bard learned from their Bardic College. Bard PCs can exert far-reaching influence by composing and logging tales, poems and songs in the database of such associated with their Bardic College (thereafter other Bard PCs can recite these in game).

Cleric -[]

Each priesthood is different and offers differing powers, rules and devotions. See the sections on the Deities themselves for details. See also, Divine Magic below.

Druid -[]

The many shapes availble to a Druid here make them very powerful. Each shape comes with special powers commensurate with the form. Feline forms can jump and climb well, can rest in trees, scent track and can fish without tools. Canine forms are the best scent trackers and can run with endurance and dig without tools. Ursine forms can dig without tools and can fish without tools. Avian and bat forms can rest in trees and (of course) fly. The wise Druid will exploit these forms and powers to best effect. Druids can find and use hidden trails and enable party to travel with them if desired. Druid PCs should take time to get to know the various hidden trails around the region with an eye toward the advantage to be had therein. Druids should seek to learn the types of creatures in the region and what they might be able to do to aid the Druid. See also, Divine Magic below.

Fighter -[]

Hard guys (and gals) with intimidate skill can act as extortionists here. Fighters can rest anywhere (thing soldiering hardships) and can command soldiers too. The Mercenary's Guild is a great place to visit and even join. There are many options available for the warrior type here.

Monk -[]

The Monk really shines here, with the addition of such factors as their ability to endure harsh conditions and deprivation better than any other CLASS. The Monk is the best jumper and in fact has a leaping attack. Monks get reduced or no damage from falls (depending on Monk level and fall distance).

Paladin -[]

Be pious, be pure of heart, be honest, be brave, engage these traits or others one finds in archtypical Paladins to great benefit here (engaged by means of IT). Paladins here can Detect Evil and this can be a great boon if used well. Henchman are a great aid to the Paladin (who can usually engage several more than is typical of non-Paladins). Resist the temptations of Grifting as this is an evil act (lying). Join an Order or similar guild group to have better access to resources befitting the Paladin.

Ranger -[]

Rangers are trackers and can use 'wilderness sense' to probe the surrounding Area. Rangers can scavenge for oft missed foodstuffs, and can light a campfire without need of any gear (rubs sticks together). Rangers can rest anywhere, no gear needed, and EPIC rangers can make fireless campsites that others can use. Rangers can find/use hidden trails and can allow their PARTY members to travel these routes in the Rangers' company. Rangers should take time to learn the use of 'hidden trails' wherever they may travel and plan to use such special routes to their advantage.

Rogue -[]

The nefarious nature of rogues is more alluring with the addition of so many larcenous options as one finds on ArgentumRegio. Rogues with persuade will find the GRIFTING useful in gathering rumors and the coins of those they can con. Intimidate skill is likewise useful for those Rogues who engage in EXTORTION. Rogues can climb, and should take advantage of this, as well as window use to make breaking and entering possible. Once inside, why not rob the place blind? A Rogue here can LOOT ROOM (RUNESTONE option), and appraisal skill likewise is useful in getting the worthwhile loot rather than low-value stuff. Network, find like sorts and work your connections, a rogue alone is soon dead; everyone eventually needs safehouses, fences, and other 'services' that other rogues can provide. Craftable smokebombs make ninja style escapes possible here. The classic "Thieves' Fetch" is also a feature here, as is concealing items on one's person, poison creation and more.

Sorcerer -[]

Where Wizards are the studious practitioners of magic, Sorcerers are the charismatic sorts that seem to charm their way through where others must relentlessly 'crack the books'. This essentially requires that the Sorcerer engage a network of spirits and contacts which they convince to cause magical effects on the behalf of the Sorcerer (sometimes with a price). Where the Wizard must commit to learning ways to force their arcane will upon the world the Sorcerers' focus is to charm magical creatures to the same end. Bartering useful arcane items can enhance a Sorcerer's chances in life. Arcane casters should consider the study and collection of many herbs and mushrooms (and other arcane materials whenever possible). These items have resale value but also can be key in dealing with some spirits. Sorcerers, even if having no intention to engage in crafting should consider attending the College of Dohral to learn the basics of crafting (this may provide insight to other things in game, or at least clue the wizard in on what items may have uses/value beyond the more obvious). Band with other PCs or at least get a henchman whenever possible (especially at lower levels). See also, Arcane Magic below.

Wizard -[]

Arcane casters such as wizards have many interesting features here. With the addition of over 80 spells (most from pen and paper D&D) and an extraordinarily detailed crafting system, greater diversity among wizards is possible. Arcane casters should consider the study and collection of many herbs and mushrooms (and other arcane materials whenever possible). These items have resale value but also can be key in revealing heretofore unfathomed magics. Wizards, even if having no intention to engage in crafting should consider attending the College of Dohral to learn the basics of crafting (this may provide insight to other things in game, or at least clue the wizard in on what items may have uses/value beyond the more obvious). Band with other PCs or at least get a henchman whenever possible (especially at lower levels). See also, Arcane Magic below.

Arcane & Divine Magic - Added Custom Spells and Their Uses[]

As of this writing, more than 80 spells have been added - available for your PCs to find in tomes and scrolls, in rival casters' spellbooks, or traded judiciously among allied wizards, or even invented/deduced from arcane study. Seek wisely student of magic - be perceptive and alert to all the weave offers; thus ye will find the greatest magics hidden in plain view.

Spells beyond those native to NWN are the stuff to tempt even the most jaded caster, but what ARE these magics hinted at previously? Arcane spells available in game include the handy cantrips Clean, Dry and Tidy. Fly and Mass Fly (allowing the whole party to fly briefly), Jump as well as Conjure Mount add to an Arcane casters' repertoire for enhanced locomotion. All of the teleportive spells from Blink, Dimension Door, Teleport, and Teleport Without Error. Safety in unwanted (downward) travel can be found in the Feather Fall spell. The most excellent Rope Trick can afford a caster a safe hiding place in times of need.

When the Arcane caster does not wish to be there themselves, there is always scrying, dangerous if the target knows the spells of Detect Scrying, or useless in the face of Nondetection magic. In times of need an Arcane can invoke the spell of Waterbreathing, Disintegrate, Baleful Polymorph, and even Forcecage!

Alarm is among the most useful yet simple spells, but shares this designation with such as Alter Self,  Messenger and Hide from Animals.

Wall of Stone, Wall of Force, and even Wall of Ice (melts in fire) can be used to impede the movement of others. Greater magics include such as Conjure Golem, Tree Shape, Disintegrate and the legendary Wish.

For more information on our custom spells, see this link.
