Argentum Regio Wiki
Ilfaw Fen

The northwest tip of the Illfaw Fen

A strip of lowlands extending from the southern edge of the lands controlled through the Eastern Citadel to the Sea of Soroshal, and from the eastern edge of the Howling Mountains (spur) to the tip of the jungles that dominate the region to the southeast. There are many trails leading into the wetlands here, those who follow such temptations seldom return safely. Many are lost in the mists and strange noises that seem to permiate the marshy landscape. Serpents, great lizards, ogres and worse lurk among these fetid trails awaiting the unwary traveler. Tales abound of brave or desperate heroes who have become lost in these misty lands are anything but uncommon.

Northeast Illfaw[]

The Dead River finds its source here, a fetid pool that seems to meander to the sea far away to the southwest. Many fingerlike tributaries of like qualities make finding this place difficult both to access and to differentiate should a PC arrive here. Some will tell you the izzardgators are the deadliest thing in the fen, others will assure you it is the mosquitos. All of this and more are rumored to be found here, and adventurers are warned to be wary of all that moves and most that don't.

Potential Dangers :

  • Drowning.  A PC may be called upon to swim here. The water is home to deadly predators, and even the seeds of disease.
  • Izzardgators.  A particularly deadly predatory reptile, these beasts sometimes are found at sea, but are most often located in places like the Illfaw fen, wet, warm and overgrown.
  • Ogres. There are known to be hunting parties from the jungles to the east which sometimes seek game in the fens.
  • Giants. See 'Ogres' above.

Rumours :

  • A large number of fine statues are found in the Illfaw fen, some say it was once a grand garden of some ancient city, and these are the garden statuary that once adorned that rich garden.

NOTE The Dead River is hardly more than a channel in the fen, there is no discernable current and hence the name.

Northern Illfaw[]

Here the dwarven lake plummets over a precipice as a waterfall and drains into the Illfaw Fen. Dwarven forces often patrol the elevated grounds nearby. Below this vista stretches southward a bleak landscape of meandering channels and tangled vegetation. Trails are few and often seem to lead nowhere at all.

Potential Dangers :

  • Drowning.  A PC may be called upon to swim here. The water is home to deadly predators, and even the seeds of disease.
  • Izzardgators.  A particularly deadly predatory reptile, these beasts sometimes are found at sea, but are most often located in places like the Illfaw fen, wet, warm and overgrown.
  • Ogres. There are known to be hunting parties from the jungles to the east which sometimes seek game in the fens.
  • Giants. See 'Ogres' above.

Rumours :

  • A number of travelers will aver, the dwarves are highly protective of this region, many attribute it to their wariness lest the evil fen dwellers should encroach on the Eastern Citadel.

NOTE recently, spiders of large size are sometimes found in the region.

Northwest Illfaw[]

Wayward channels seem to break trails in places most awkward to foot travel here, and there are notably some number of overgrown statuary among the thick, indigenous, flora.

Potential Dangers :

  • Drowning.  A PC may be called upon to swim here. The water is home to deadly predators, and even the seeds of disease.
  • Izzardgators.  A particularly deadly predatory reptile, these beasts sometimes are found at sea, but are most often located in places like the Illfaw fen, wet, warm and overgrown.
  • Lizardman.  A colony is rumored to exist in this region.

Rumours :

  • At times there have been sightings of a 'ghost ship' that sails upon the fogs that often cloak the fen at night. These sightings are generally averred by dwarves (heavy drinkers they be though) and usually set upon the drunker hours, so such rumors are generally little accredited.
  • A group of Dwarven Guards have formed a guild that deprives travelers of their coins when found in this region.
  • The mists of the region are most ill for one's health. Overnighting here is a risky thing to do, as the place is rife with miasma.

NOTE FRIGHTFUL SOUNDS are often heard from the fen below.

Western Illfaw[]

That spur of the Howling mountains found west of this place rather switfly drops into the Illfaw Fen, the overlook said by some to be 'stunningly dismal'. Channels break trails here with such frequency that a swimmer is more adapted to travel here than any pedestrian.

Potential Dangers :

  • Drowning.  A PC may be called upon to swim here. The water is home to deadly predators, and even the seeds of disease.
  • Izzardgators.  A particularly deadly predatory reptile, these beasts sometimes are found at sea, but are most often located in places like the Illfaw fen, wet, warm and overgrown.
  • Lizardman.  A colony is rumored to exist in this region.

Rumours :

  • The mists of the region are most ill for one's health. Overnighting here is a risky thing to do, as the place is rife with miasma.

NOTE FRIGHTFUL SOUNDS are often heard from the fen below

Eastern Illfaw[]

Low, rolling hills dense with jungle growth begin here and stretch to the east and south beyond range of sight. There are found here some trails leading in that direction LANDS IN THAT DIRECTION ARE NOT ACCESSABLE AS THEY ARE INCLUDED IN ANOTHER MODULE YET TO BE MADE AVAILABLE ONLINE. Signs of ogre and giant transit are found along these trails.

Potential Dangers :

  • Drowning.  A PC may be called upon to swim here. The water is home to deadly predators, and even the seeds of disease.
  • Izzardgators.  A particularly deadly predatory reptile, these beasts sometimes are found at sea, but are most often located in places like the Illfaw fen, wet, warm and overgrown.
  • Basilisk. There are said to be a number of these beasts roaming about the fens.
  • Ogres. There are known to be hunting parties from the jungles to the east which sometimes seek game in the fens.
  • Giants. See 'Ogres' above.

Rumours :

  • A number of trails lead eastward into the deep jungles beyond.

NOTE the module east of these Areas is NOT online at this time.

Central Illfaw[]

The Dead River cuts across this region making foot traffic difficult at best. Limited trails can be found on either side of the Dead River, some aver there are signs of travel along them too.

Potential Dangers :

  • Drowning.  A PC may be called upon to swim here. The water is home to deadly predators, and even the seeds of disease.
  • Izzardgators.  A particularly deadly predatory reptile, these beasts sometimes are found at sea, but are most often located in places like the Illfaw fen, wet, warm and overgrown.
  • Lizardman.  A colony is rumored to exist in this region.
  • Ogres. There are known to be hunting parties from the jungles to the east which sometimes seek game in the fens.
  • Giants. See 'Ogres' above.

Rumours :

  • The west bank seems devoid of the giants and ogres found in more eastern zones.

NOTE LIZARDMAN do not require trails as they are strong swimmers, giants and ogres, not so much.

Southeast Illfaw[]

Eastward, into the jungles beyond are a number of trails bearing signs of giant and ogre use. This is the deepest the Illfaw fen has been penetrated by adventurers and those who have been this far warn all others to turn back for the scope of the dangers found there and beyond.

Potential Dangers :

  • Drowning.  A PC may be called upon to swim here. The water is home to deadly predators, and even the seeds of disease.
  • Izzardgators.  A particularly deadly predatory reptile, these beasts sometimes are found at sea, but are most often located in places like the Illfaw fen, wet, warm and overgrown.
  • Basilisk. There are said to be a number of these beasts roaming about the fens.
  • Ogres. There are known to be hunting parties from the jungles to the east which sometimes seek game in the fens.
  • Giants. See 'Ogres' above.

Rumours :

  • A number of parties have vanished in this region.

NOTE trails here are vanishingly few.

Southern Illfaw[]

The Dead River finds its delta here and sloshes quietly into the sea. The space is often rife with fen predators, as many supplement their diets with fish and sea-birds. At certain times (tides and light conditions dictate), swimming here can be highly dangerous for PCs.

Potential Dangers :

  • Drowning.  A PC may be called upon to swim here. The water is home to deadly predators, and even the seeds of disease.
  • Izzardgators.  A particularly deadly predatory reptile, these beasts sometimes are found at sea, but are most often located in places like the Illfaw fen, wet, warm and overgrown.
  • Lizardman.  A colony is rumored to exist in this region.
  • Basilisk. There are said to be a number of these beasts roaming about the fens.
  • Ogres. There are known to be hunting parties from the jungles to the east which sometimes seek game in the fens.
  • Giants. See 'Ogres' above.

Rumours :

  • A trails lead south here to other lizard man villages along the coastal marshes.

NOTE The modules to the south are not yet online.

Southwest Illfaw[]

Essentially this is part of the Soroshal Sea - the shallows that lay offshore from the Illfaw Fen, and those few isles found there.

Potential Dangers :

  • Drowning.  A PC may be called upon to swim here. The water is home to deadly predators, and even the seeds of disease.
  • Izzardgators.  A particularly deadly predatory reptile, these beasts sometimes are found at sea, but are most often located in places like the Illfaw fen, wet, warm and overgrown.

Rumours :


NOTE there are resources beneath the waves that are found nowhere else.
